What Makes Me Tick: Peter Joynson
Peter Joynson, CEO of Synergi, shares his insights exclusively with Portfolio North.

Peter Joynson, CEO of Synergi, shares his insights exclusively with Portfolio North.

My morning routine is…

Up at 6.50 am, shower, dress, down to the dogs greeting me with excitement…check emails, then make a coffee for my daughter’s school run into Jesmond, normally entails listening to 9-year old’s music! Then an immediate switch to Talk Sport on the way to the office.

What puts me in a good mood

Spending quality down time with my family and Newcastle United winning.

What makes me angry

If I’m being honest, I try really hard and work on not getting angry these days, life is too short, and I try to work on positive thoughts.

Values I try to live and work by

Love and care for my family, friends and colleagues, honesty and gratitude are core values, mixed with a drive for constant improvement.

Bad habits I try to break

Interrupting my wife when she’s telling a story and 3 putting on the golf course!

What motivates me most

Seeing the business and our colleagues prosper and improve, we celebrated our 10th year in Synergi this year. There were 60 of us out on the Quayside, reflecting on those 10 years and seeing the talent that has emerged motivates me to keep driving forwards and doing the right things for our people and our customers.

My sources of joy are

Watching my kids do their sports, spending time on the golf course, and having meals out with family or friends.

I relax and destress by…

Playing golf and dreaming of our next holiday.

What most people don’t know about me?

I love cars, golf and red wine.

If I didn’t do my current job, I’d like to be …

In my younger past I think I would have said a professional sportsman, an F1 driver, a golfer or footballer, not that any of those would ever have been achievable. As I’ve matured and learnt some business and life lessons, now I’d like to be someone that helps others in some capacity, mentoring, coaching and helping to get people where they aspire to be. As my dad always told me, “don’t put off till tomorrow what can be done today”.

Posted 29th November 2023

Reading Time 2-3 minutes

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