What Makes Me Tick: Caroline Pullich
Caroline Pullich, Managing Partner & Senior Group Secretary at NFU, shares her personal insights with Portfolio North.

Caroline Pullich, Managing Partner & Senior Group Secretary at NFU, shares her personal insights with Portfolio North.

My morning routine is…

I wake at 5.30am/5.45am & go to the gym at Rudding Park before heading to work at Boston Spa. I get into work 8/8.15am most mornings.

What puts me in a good mood…

The buzz around winning new business & being surrounded by a great team.

What makes me angry

Laziness & negativity. I get frustrated when people just moan all the time.

Values I try to live and work by…

 Respect, Professional, Resourceful & United

Bad habits I try to break

Eating cheese every time I open the fridge.

What motivates me most

To deliver exceptional customer service & then the client refers me to a potential new business.

My sources of joy are…

Drinking champagne, eating out in nice restaurants & going on lovely holidays.

I relax and destress by…

Being with my cockapoo dog Coco & spending quality time with my partner Richard.

What most people don’t know about me? 

That I used to love gymnastics & got my BAGA grade 1 at 8 years old & was always told I had a promising career as a gymnast or in athletics as I was a good runner!

If I didn’t do my current job, I’d like to be

In real estate showing potential new buyers around mansions & estates in Yorkshire.

Posted 29th November 2023

Reading Time 2-3 minutes

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